Home directory

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The Home directory contains user specific data. This mainly means personal settings.

TV-Browser chooses this directory depending on the operating systems.

OS Directory
Windows C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\TV-Browser
Mac OS X /Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/TV-Browser
Other /home/[Username]/.tvbrowser

Alternatively, this directory can also be changed while launching TV-Browser. Read more about launching TV-Browser.

The content of these directories is as follows:

settings.prop The settings of TV-Browser. This file can be edited using a text editor.
xxx.xxx.dat Data of a plugin xxx (e.g., Reminder, Favorite programs etc.)
xxx.xxx.prop Settings of a plugin. This file can be edited using a text editor.
xxx.xxx.service Settings of a Tv-DataService. This file can be edited using a text editor.
filters Filters the user created.
plugins Plugins the user installed
tvdata TV-Data