Filterrules - Example: Word Search
An example:
You want to filter programs that are The Simpsons that are running on a Tuesday and have no Bart in the episode title and description and The Simpsons that are running on a Friday and have to do with Lisa or programs of American Dad that have to do with Roger. Seems like a real problem to get this, but now you split it in the search parts for the filter components, you will need filter components of the type keyword:
- Search for The Simpsons with search only in title, named The_Simpsons
- Search for Bart with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Bart
- Search for Lisa with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Lisa
- Search for American Dad with search only in title, named American_Dad
- Search for Roger with limited search in Episode, Short description and Description, named Roger
and you will need filter components of the type Day of week:
- Accepts Tuesday named Tuesday
- Accepts Friday named Friday
Now you can drag and drop the available filter components from the right side to the left side filter construction and to get what should be filtered in this example you would create:
( The_Simpsons AND ( ( NOT Bart AND Tuesday ) OR ( Lisa AND Friday ) ) ) OR ( American_Dad AND Roger )
name this filter My_First_Filter