TV Rater

From TV-Browser Wiki
Revision as of 19:39, 9 April 2008 by Mon (talk | contribs) (Clarified the language. I'm not sure what the sentence "This is due to reduced bandwidth usage." refers to.)
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Further images will follow as soon as possible.

What is this?

The TV Rater-Plugin enables you to rate broadcasts (also radio broadcasts) and to see ratings given by other users.

You can also find the ratings on the Website.


Plugin ratings settings.png

After you have activated the plugin you will need to create a user account. This is necessary to clearly identify your ratings. The information will not be passed to any third party.

So if you do not have a user account yet, please click on Create new account. TV-Browser should now open your web browser, presenting the registration page. Enter your preferred username and password here. After a succesful registration you can enter your rating in the plugin.

If nothing happens after pressing "Create new account" or a black window opens, you will need to configure your web browser.

If you want to have your ratings shown in the TV listing favorites, you must activate Use own rating if available.

Now you can choose how often the ratings data will be updated.

  • With every update of the TV data
  • Every time you rate a broadcast
  • At each launch of TV-Browser
  • Manually

Keep in mind that every update will require an open internet connection.

You can also make your ratings visible in the program table, looking like this:

Plugin ratings icon.jpg

To have your ratings shown in the program table, please enable this under Program display.


Plugin rating overview.png

By clicking on plugins-tv ratings you will be presented with the overview window. There are two listings included: Overall Ratings and Your Ratings.

Overall Ratings shows all ratings for upcoming broadcasts. During updates the system tries to identify broadcasts to be aired soon and retrieve their ratings from the server. This is due to reduced bandwidth usage. Please do not forget: This service is free.

Your Ratings displays all broadcasts which have been rated by you on this machine. Presently, broadcasts rated on the Website can not be displayed this way.

Every broadcast has two icons; the first icon presents the overall ratings, the second is your personal rating. Grey icons represent data not available.

You can also do a manual update using the ratings overview. With every update, your data will be sent to the server as well as new ratings fetched.

By double-clicking on a specific broadcast or clicking on "View" you can open the ratings display for this broadcast.


Plugin rating display.png

Within the rating display you can see detailed information regarding the rating. Also this is where you can rate a broadcast yourself.

Showing in brackets next to Overall rating is the total count of ratings given.

Genres are split in two blocks: Film features and other broadcasts. These blocks have different background colors. Additionaly, there's a point "Others" for broadcasts not fitting in any scheme.

Two more buttons are of concern here: Left is a possibility to show all air-times of the given broadcast, right is a direct link to the broadcast on the TV-addicted website.

Rating a broadcast

There are three possibilities when rating a broadcast:

  • You can either go to the rating overview and rate the broadcast there or
  • Directly in the program table, right click on a broadcast to show its rating details and rate it there or
  • Finally you can rate the program on the Website.

Please rate the shows! This service can only exist if EVERY user leaves ratings.

The more ratings a program gets, the more accurate its overall rating will be.