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Revision as of 00:07, 18 June 2006


Important note: This is only for developers that know what they are doing. A normal user should not try to follow this guide. We will not provide any support for any problems that may occur with this guide or SVN. It also has to be assumed that not all features are complete and/or bug free.

So, don't complain if this version of TV-Browser gets lost in data nirvana ;-)

To get TV-Browser from SVN and to compile you need the following tools:

Name Description URL
SVN Tool to access SVN and copy the files to your PC http://subversion.tigris.org
ANT Ant is the so called build tool. It compiles and creates the jar/exe file. http://ant.apache.org
JDK The Java development kit. It contains the Java compiler and all required libraries to build TV-Browser. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp

Downloading TV-Browser from SVN

To download TV-Browser you have to enter the following:

svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tvbrowser/trunk tvbrowser

Compiling TV-Browser

After downloading the files, they have to be compiled using Ant.

To do this you have to enter

ant runtime

Some alternative commands are also possible. You can find out about them using


For example,

ant exe

creates a Windows exe file.


Now the runtime directory should contain a newly compiled TV-Browser build. Congratulations!

TV-Browser and Eclipse

This is a guide about setting up TV-Browser in Eclipse.


You need the following to allow working on TV-Browser in Eclipse:

Name Description URL
Eclipse The development environment; download the newest release for best results! http://www.eclipse.org
Subclipse SVN plugin for Eclipse; Installation guide http://subclipse.tigris.org/

Preparing Eclipse

  1. Install Eclipse
  2. Install Subclipse ([http://subclipse.tigris.org/install.html Guide)

Checking out TV-Browser

Choose "File" -> "New" -> "Other" and then "SVN" "Checkout Project from SVN".

Now select "Create a new repository location". The URL should be https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tvbrowser. Enter "tvbrowser" in the "trunk" field; preferably create a new project (to do so select "Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard").

Now the computer will take some time to download everything. When it's done right click on the new project folder. Select "Properties" -> "Java-Build-Path" tab "Source" and click "Add folder"; select the src directory.

Done! If you're annoyed by the many warnings just exclude a few plugins from the src directory. To do this go to the same dialog as before: extend the folder and select "Excluded", click "Edit...". In the "Exclusion Patterns" group select "Add" and enter "*plugin". Now there should be no more unwanted messages.