For developers
From TV-Browser Wiki
"Normal" Plugins
- Overview Plugin Development
- Tutorial: Development of Java Plugins
- The New Plugin System of TV-Browser 2.0
- Uploading Plugins to the TV-Browser Webseite
"TV-Data" Plugins
- Tutorial: Development of a TvDataService
- There is also an alternative way of Providing TV listings.
- The TV-Browser Terminology
- The TV-Browser Coding Conventions
- How to checkout and build TV-Browser
- CIA: RSS feed of the latest source changes in the repository
- Ohloh: statistics about the TV-Browser project
- FishEye: statistics about the source code and the source changes
- Krugle: search the TV-Browser source code using a specialized search engine
The Java-Docs can be found here:
Alternatively, the Java-Docs can be generated from the source code. To do this execute
ant public-doc