TV-Browser 3.0
This page describes the new features of TV-Browser 3.0. This version hasn't been released yet!
The 30-Seconds-Highlights
- Design: Tooltips in the program table. They indicate by which Plugin shows have been marked, running time of a show etc.
- Clarity: Long titles are shortened, the commonly displayed content is shorter, the column width has been optimized etc. All of these features are customizable, of course.
- More Future-Proof: Optimization for Java 6, Java 7, OpenJDK, Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.10. However this version won't operate with Java 5 anymore.
- Integration: TV-Browser fits better into your available platforms: Regarding shortcuts, designations, order of menubar items, colors and other details.
- Performance: This version is once again significantly faster (and needs less memory) than its previous versions, even though there are many new features.
The detailed overview
TV-Browser 3.0 has been developed since mid 2008 as the successor of TV-Browser 2.7 (while all other 2.7.x-versions "only" fixed bugs). More than 400 changes, bugfixes and new features have been addressed and implemented. Mainly focused on making the program easier to use by removing many "annoying thingies", better adjusted preferences etc.
To further improve quality the source code has been examined with many static code-analysis tools to find and fix hidden programming errors. That doesn't mean TV-Browser is error-free because of this, but at least we can rule out certain programming errors now.
Only a few of the new features are described below, go ahead and discover the remaining improvements while trying. :)
|Easier Installation |The Installation of TV-Browser has gotten easier and safer
- less options in dialog box
- automatic registration with Windows-Firewall
- Check, to see if a running TV-Browserhas tobe closed
|Date display |The date selection is done by using a calendar instead of a list (customizable via Options). |File:Kalender.png
|Format information
|The format information in the program table can separately be activated or deactivated. For instance you can hide the icon for HD-Shows globally, if you're not interested in this information.
|Search results in programinfo |You can highlight search results in the programinfo of favorite shows (customizable color). On top of that you can switch to the previously displayed show like using a web browser. |File:Sendungsinfo.png
|Shortened titles |Very long titles are reduced to a length of two lines by default in the program table. The number of displayed rows is customizable. |File:Kurzer Titel.png
|"Hiding" short shows |For shows with very short duration, by default no more program description is displayed in the program table (meaning: the description is empty). By doing this, news and weather broadcasts etc. no longer take focus away from the rest of the shows. |File:Kurze Sendung.png
|More shows in the tray
|The contextmenu of the Tray-Icon by default lists more shows. On top of that the menu is much better readable thanks to Anti-Aliasing.
(miminized view)
|Transparency of shows |Plugins have the possibility of setting the transparency of a show, depending on its importance. |File:Transparenz.png
|Balloon-Tipps |Plugins can show Balloon-Tipps on the TV-Browser Tray-Icon. |File:Balloon-tips.png
|More Marked Shows |If shows with the same starting time are marked, all of them are displayed in the same window instead of opening a new window for each one. |File:Erinnerung.png