Program data quality

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Program data quality

The program data is pass to us by the press office of each broadcast station.

As a matter of fact the received data is automatically processed and so the quality depends on the data which is presented to us.

Some broadcast stations give us XML-Data where the Informatoin is quite structured. Others just give us the information in a propritary and unstructured format like RTF.

The result is that you can see some broadcast stations where ie. the actors are seperated on some others they are not. Or some stations pass us the information about the audioformat (mono, stereo, dual or Dolby-Surround), others don't.

Some stations add some additional information, like information about the cast, this can't be seperated automatically and so this information is within the description of the broadcast.

Also classification of the data is not available (like: movie, quiz-show,...) and if it is available this data is also presented in a proprietary format and also the content itself is not standard (i.e. one station says "Documentation", while the other will call it "Info-Show",...).

As a matter of fact we are free of charge and so we cannot reformat all the data by hand.

For everyone interested to present us data or who wants to know how the data is processed can find additional information in our tutorial.